Wednesday, January 14, 2009

365 Day 14

I was feeling very lazy tonight-
sitting by the fire all warm and cosy with a glass of wine,
so the fire is my photo of the day:

Here are some more:

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

365 DAY 13

This is my photo of the day-the moon this morning as I left for work.
It was taken very quickly. I think I need to use a tripod to get a crisp image:

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Monday, January 12, 2009

365 Day12

Today's photo is of the primary school next to my workbase. The photo is taken from the car park. It is a sad comment on our society that our schools look more like prisons than places where children go to learn.

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Here are some more:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

365 Day11

What a horrible wet and windy day we've had today! As a result I have not been out and about, so my photos today are indoor shots. Evidence of Emily, I'd call them. I'm not sure how I managed to get a daughter like Emily. She takes such pride in her room, everything is always tidy and she has little collections of her favourite things. I chose the photo of the day because I liked the colour against the white walls, and also because I like the perspective:

Here are some more of her favourite things:

AND finally-what I learned about today was White Balance. I has it set on auto, but was getting an awful yellow colour cast to the photos. So here's what a difference it makes just by adjusting the white balance to tungsten. These photos are unedited, I know the focus is not good, but it's the difference in colour that I'm interested in. the top photo is auto white balance, the bottom is the tungsten setting.
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Saturday, January 10, 2009

365 day10

It was very,very windy out today so I opted to stay indoors and take some protrait shots of Emily instead of venturing out. Emily bought a new beret so that became the focus of these portraits. As you can see I tried a number of enhancements-just using Picasa-and I like this Sepia one best:

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Friday, January 9, 2009

365 DAY 9

Emily is going to see FAME tonight with her friends.
They are all dressing up FAME style-or what they think is FAME style.
So I took some photos before she left.
I like this one without head or feet!

I also like this one of her before she got ready.
I like the perspective on this one.
I was standing on a chair.

And finally a collage of some of the others.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

365 Day 8

Today I drove to work with my point 'n shoot camera around my neck. Everytime I sat at a red light I took a quick snap through the window. My photo of the day is my favourite-a crane in the city centre-I did try this on in black and white-but I really like the brown tones and the lights!

Here are some more. Remember to click on the image if you want to see it closer.

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