Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pentland walk

Today was a gorgeous day. Cold, at 4c but no wind and some sunshine, a welcome change from what seems like the endless winter we have had this year. A dreich, damp, dark winter. But today you got a hint that Spring may, at long last, be just around the corner. A day like today deserves acknowledgement, so I set off for a walk in the Pentlands above Bonaly.
It is not the most interesting, or picturesque time of the year, but it was an enjoyable walk nonetheless.
The water level of the reservoir was surprisingly low, given the rain and snow of the past couple of weeks, but the waterfall was flowing nicely:
The sun came out as I reached the woods, so there is a nice bit of side lighting here.
I love how the low winter sun highlights the form of the tree trunks:
And I love the pattern made by the shallow tree roots:
And here's someone else enjoying this brief spell of mild weather. Two of these bounded past just as I emerged from the woods. I never fail to get excited by the sight of deer on my doorstep:

I hope this weather lasts a little longer. I really need some fresh air to blow away my winter gloom.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Is this a local walk for you Pam?

Love the lighting you got in the woods.